Notes From the Farm
A weekly check-in of all things happening on the Farm from the mind of Steve O'Shea
The Swing of Things 7/15/22
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We’ve been getting afternoon showers again. It was so dry for so long and despite the fact that our friends and neighbors were getting rain for weeks all around us, the drops avoided our soil for the longest time. It seemed as though the clouds were taunting us. Holding tight to their sprinkles until they passed overhead and then dropping them generously onto the neighbors’ fields while casting a wry grin over a shoulder in our direction. The weather patterns here have so much more nuance than the ones I grew up with in Northern California. It’s really interesting how much variation there is in just a half a mile out here. Sometimes it works to our benefit (multiple missed...
We're Back! 7/8/22
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We are so excited to be home and reconnect with the farm! Mandy and I just had a heckuva trip to Italy. We attended a family wedding in the region my grandparents are from, with cousins from Tuscany, Ireland, and Brazil. It was fantastic! The dance floor was filled for 5 hours with all generations of cousins and friends from all over the world and everybody was smiling, dancing, laughing, hugging and just all around having a wonderful time and soaking in this once in a lifetime experience to all be together. I can’t tell you how much it warmed my heart and filled my spirit and I’ll forever be grateful to my amazing international family for making this...
Lavender Harvest 6/10/22
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Back in the early days of our life together, Mandy and I lived with my little brother in a big, old, poorly insulated, and seemingly always wet house, on a wooded north facing slope, with massive single paned windows, that was too expensive to heat during the cold months. When it was 32 outside, it was 32 inside. There was a massive fireplace, but no matter how big the fire, the heat would all just escape up the chimney, or out the single paned windows. After work each night, we’d put on our coats, grab our dinner plates, turn on some records, and pull our old couch right up to the fire and do our best to absorb as much...
Dahlia Planting 6/3/22
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We’re back out in the fields, sweat pouring off us, making beds, pulling irrigation, organizing, laying out, digging in, and covering up our dahlias. We’ve made surprisingly good progress in this heat. Our team is good and getting better with each passing season. The umpff we are losing with age, is offset by the wisdom gained from years of iteration. Less vivacious, but more efficient. Cramping, tired, and sunburnt, we are excited to have thousands of dahlias successfully planted in raised beds. When all is said and done, we’ll have about 8,000 in the ground. Definitely our largest dahlia planting to date. We’ve spent years isolating and multiplying the varieties that we...
Mushrooms! 5/27/22
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We’re fond of mushrooms out here. All kinds. They are magical and wonderful and responsible for so much good in this world that they rarely get acknowledged for. Did you know that though they were once classified as plants, fungi are actually more similar to us in one significant way than they are to plants? Plants famously breathe in Carbon Dioxide and breath out Oxygen. Conveniently we do the exact opposite. But, so do fungi! They form an interconnected network under our feet and are responsible for helping plants and trees grow. They balance out nutrients in the forest, literally taking excess nutrients from one tree and sharing them with another tree in a more deprived patch of soil. It’s...
The End of Spring 5/20/22
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Hello hello! We have had a wonderful season of Spring flowers and are all super happy with how everything went. Our crew has been fantastic, our days have been filled with so much beauty, and our customers have all been so kind and uplifting. Such a great season for us and we appreciate you for helping it to be a success! And so another beautiful Spring gives way and melts into the season of electrolytes and fireflies. We’ve been hot out here, but fortunately and unfortunately we’re devoid of the humidity that generally accompanies the heat. It looks like that may be coming on Monday though, so we are excited to be getting some real rain! These temps punctuate the...
Gorgeous Imbalance 5/13/22
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As I sit here wondering what on earth to write about, my kitchen table cluttered around me reminding me that there’s supposed to be life outside of work, the scent of Sarah Berhnardt peonies slides across the kitchen and into my nose and reminds me why the work is so compelling. I’m at the point in the year where Mandy is a little tired of hearing me complain that 7 day weeks for almost half a year straight is eroding my state of health. She’s built tougher than me. Thrives on the constant hustle. It’s in her DNA and her upbringing. Her people are constantly motivated and generally happy to have long lists of tasks to accomplish and she’s the...
Stream of Goodwill 5/6/22
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One of the best parts of our job is the fact that we are the conduit for so many good intentions. We work in the heat, the cold, the mud, and in what all told, sometimes feels like a Sisyphean effort to make a living by fostering fragile lifeforms through hostile conditions that seem to be getting more erratic year by year. We live a fairly isolated existence and only see employees and delivery drivers most of the year. In some ways, we are very disconnected. But, it’s become more deeply impressed on us over time, how much the results of our efforts are directly tied to thousands of gestures of love sent from one person to another. It’s like...
Unsung Heroes 4/30/22
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It’s safe to say that Mothers are the most frequently under-appreciated members of a household. Having literally created another human from their own flesh and blood in what appears to be a great deal of discomfort for the better part of a year, they then endure for many more years, with herculean displays of patience, one or more tiny narcissistic sociopaths running around destroying things and pooping everywhere. For the next 18 years (at least), the unending load of thankless work, lack of sleep, and all around self-sacrifice is often met with attitude and dismissive sass from a completely helpless and fully dependent person who is not only unappreciative, but is severely self-assured in their condescension despite not even having...
Close Calls 4/22/22
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It was a close call with frost this Monday and Tuesday. We woke up to 34 degrees and concern that we may have lost our veggie plants and possibly some mother’s day flowers, but I guess we lucked out. All survived. I hope any of you living a little further north or higher in elevation were able to protect your precious veggie babies. It’s always a tough blow to lose your plants to frost and we’re not supposed to get any after April 15th each year, but we all know how that goes. We did lose some of our favorite peonies to that real deep freeze awhile back. Not the plants, but the flowers. They are always the first to bloom and each...
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135 Francis Hill Road
Comer, GA 30629