We've included answers to some frequently asked questions below.
Don't see an answer related to your question? Please email us at info@3porchfarm.com
Shipping + Ordering Questions
What is your return policy?
What is your return policy?
Our flowers are guaranteed to arrive fresh and healthy. If damage happens in transport, we will replace or refund. Please send photographic evidence of your package. We are not responsible for neglect or theft after package has been delivered or if the wrong address was entered. Flowers are non-refundable for orders that were shipped to the incorrect/invalid address.
What to do if your box/flowers are damaged upon arrival?
What to do if your box/flowers are damaged upon arrival?
Some flowers may need to rehydrate for 12-24 hours after shipping. If there is obvious damage though, take a photo of the flowers and the box (if damaged) and send us an email with the images IMMEDIATELY.
Can I place an order for weekend delivery?
Can I place an order for weekend delivery?
No, but our flowers are so fresh that you can use flowers received on a weekday for a weekend event with no problem. Wednesday and Friday are the days you can receive our flowers.
Can I order far in advance?
Can I order far in advance?
During our Spring season, we post up to a month's inventory in advance for some of our flowers. Due to us being subject to the whims of nature, we can't always do this but when we can, we will!
I ordered two bunches of flowers for different arrival dates because one wasn't available on the day I wanted. Is there a way to combine my orders into one box?
I ordered two bunches of flowers for different arrival dates because one wasn't available on the day I wanted. Is there a way to combine my orders into one box?
If we have the available inventory, we will be able to combine orders.
You must email rachel@3porchfarm.com as soon as possible to make sure we can accommodate the request.
How long will my flowers last?
How long will my flowers last?
We ship only the freshest flowers and always priority overnight, so they arrive as fast as possible allowing you to get them quickly back into water to give you the maximum vase life possible. Check the expected vase life of each flower variety in the product description for more specifics.
Can I cancel my order?
Can I cancel my order?
Your order can be canceled if you notify us 2 days in advance of your arrival date. If your arrival date is Wednesday, you must let us know by Monday. If it is Friday, you must let us know by Wednesday. Please put “CANCEL MY ORDER” in the subject line of your email.
Can I request certain colors?
Can I request certain colors?
Requests for certain colors can be made in the notes section, but they are NOT guaranteed. We try and give you many different color options with the flowers that we offer, but with being such a small staff, we are unable to do specialized orders for every individual.
I had items in my cart and came back later to pay for them and they were gone. Why is that?
I had items in my cart and came back later to pay for them and they were gone. Why is that?
Shopify (our commerce website provider) will not allow you to hold items in your cart until you begin payment. Via Shopify "Inventory is only held for a customer during the actual payment processing period, not during any other time. Once the customer has gone through most of the checkout process and attempts to pay, Shopify will check all the products in the cart to ensure they are still in stock and hold them while the customer pays. There wouldn't be any apps that can override this because the checkout is protected and not able to be edited in any way." To avoid this from happening, we recommend creating an account with us to avoid having to reenter your shipping information and therefore speeding up the checkout process so that items don't get booted from your cart! You can create an account by clicking here!
How to best send a gift?
How to best send a gift?
We advise ensuring your recipient will be home and even signing up for SMS or email alerts with Fedex when we send you your tracking number. That way you can notify your recipient the moment the flowers arrive!
I'm sending a gift. Will the price of it be included in the box?
I'm sending a gift. Will the price of it be included in the box?
No, many of our products are sent as gifts, so we don't ever include any financial information on our packing slips.
Sometimes your flowers sell out before I can get them. How can I get a bundle?
Sometimes your flowers sell out before I can get them. How can I get a bundle?
You can join our email list to get notified of when we start to list them. You'll be invited to join the mailing list at the bottom of our homepage. To be fair to everyone, we sell everything first come first serve and list all flowers the week before shipping on Thursday evenings. We often update our availability on Tuesday and Thursday as harvests come in and we see that more inventory can be added. So, if you miss one opportunity, you can get a few more chances. We announce these inventory updates to our email list, so that is the best way to get first dibs on any flowers we sell. Do note that Items in cart are not reserved until checkout is complete.
Why can't you ship mum cuttings or other plants to CA?
Why can't you ship mum cuttings or other plants to CA?
California has quarantines against any rooted plant shipped in from GA due to the European Corn Borer and pathogenic nematodes being found in GA. The only way around that quarantine would be to forfeit our organic practices and dip them in conventional pesticides and we are not willing to do that. You may be able to find a provider from outside of GA that is not subject to a statewide quarantine.
Why don't you ship flowers to CA?
Why don't you ship flowers to CA?
The Ag economy in CA is tremendous and any potential threat at the border is understandably taken very seriously. As organic growers, there is every chance that we’ll have some tiny form of life on our flowers (that’s how it’s supposed to be) and the CA Dept of Ag. will stop the package, inspect it, send samples to a lab, wait a few days (not in water) and then either trash them, or send them along to the destination many days late and possibly dead. The only way around this for us, would be to spray our flowers with insecticides, which we will not do. Fortunately there are lots of amazing flower farmers in CA. Find your local growers!
Farm + Farm Store Questions
Can I visit the farm/do a farm tour?
Can I visit the farm/do a farm tour?
The farm is not open to the public. The only portion of our farm is our brick and mortar Farm Store. You can learn more about shopping our Farm Store and Farm Store hours by Clicking Here!
Can I do a photo shoot of your flower fields?
Can I do a photo shoot of your flower fields?
We harvest all of our flowers before they open, so it's not what people imagine when they think of a flower farm. Most of our flowers are grown in greenhouses that are bio controlled to prevent people from unwittingly bringing diseases in on their clothes/shoes, so non-staff are not allowed inside. The botanical gardens would be a more appropriate venue if you are looking for open flowers. All production farms need to cut their flowers early or they won't be marketable. Alternatively you'd need to find an agribusiness focused flower farm and I don't know of any in the Southeast offhand.
Miscellaneous Questions
Are you hiring?
Are you hiring?
We have very low turnover at the farm, so we rarely hire new employees, but you are always free to leave a resume in case something comes up.
Can I volunteer?
Can I volunteer?
We highly value our employees and the skill sets that they bring to our farm. While volunteer work is well-intentioned, it is never as skilled as an experienced farm worker’s, nor is it fair in our minds to take away potential wages from our employees. We appreciate the generous sentiment, but feel community gardens and non profit orgs are generally a better fit for volunteers.
Do you offer consultations?
Do you offer consultations?
We do not offer consultations.
Do you make custom orders/bouquets?
Do you make custom orders/bouquets?
We do not do custom orders.
Do you offer bulk buckets of flowers and greenery for DIY bouquets for weddings/events?
Do you offer bulk buckets of flowers and greenery for DIY bouquets for weddings/events?
We no longer offer bulk buckets for locals. Please reach out to these 3 amazing farms that provide gorgeous, locally grown bulk bucket options: Diamond Hill Farm, Peach House Farm and R&R Secret Farm!
I want to start a flower farm. What do you recommend?
I want to start a flower farm. What do you recommend?
Join ASCFG.org and avoid reinventing the wheel. It’s an incredible resource for flower farmers new and old. Also, work on someone else’s farm for at least a year before making the commitment. It’s harder than you think. Not sundresses and frolicking like instagram. Mostly toil and biting insects.
Please Refer to Our Planting Guides for Any Plant Questions
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contact us
135 Francis Hill Road
Comer, GA 30629