Good People 5/31/24
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Sad news in our sweet little community this week.
In the 70’s a group of do-gooders splintered off from Habitat For Humanity to continue humanitarian work and planted themselves right here in Comer GA. They started Jubilee Partners and dedicated their lives and resources to helping the most marginalized peoples in the world. They save the lives of refugees in the most war torn parts of the world and give them shelter, support, kindness, and a chance at a new life.
The stories I’ve heard are both brutally devastating and heroically uplifting. The tragedies these refugees have suffered are unspeakable and the dangerous and selfless lengths these service workers have gone to to help others in desperate need are truly the antidote to the vitriol we are constantly bombarded with in the news.
I have never known another group of people to walk the walk like this Christian service group. At the core of any religion should be a desire to help others in need. To give without expecting anything in return. To expand all the loving parts of your heart and to shrink the petty and selfish ones. Most of my life, I’ve seen more talk than walk. More self righteousness and self service than actual loving kindness and service to others. I can’t express the extent of my gratitude at just knowing such people like the folks at Jubilee actually exist. The depths of their compassion and humility are seemingly bottomless. These amazing neighbors make the world a more hopeful place for so many in dire need. They also make it more hopeful for those of us who just witness their good deeds.
3 of our long time employees are refugees from Burma that we met through Jubilee Partners. Their tribe has endured traumas I can’t imagine and though they carry the scars, they inspire us by continuing to laugh and sing as they go about their days here. We’ve watched as they’ve adjusted from a subsistence lifestyle deep in the jungle, where even cooking with oil required you to grow peanuts and press them for oil to cook with, to a world where unidentifiable food products come wrapped in brightly colored plastics and can be purchased at a corner store and relatives 5,000 miles away can be visited virtually through smartphones. The transition is so massive, It must be like being dropped on an alien planet. We’ve seen their children grow up, work at the local diner, and go off to college. We’ve shared meals and stories, birthdays and graduations, and toiled in the heat and rain with them. They are a huge part of our farm and our community and we are better for it.
Sadly, a car accident on the way home from work took the lives of 3 young men (one of them a new father) in their community. Naw Dee Poe’s son lost his 2 best friends. She says the’ve been inseparable for the last 10 years and would come to her house after work every day and she’d cook for them. They all just graduated together last week. He is devastated. They all are. They came to this country with only the shirts on their backs. They were working hard and struggling to get a foot hold at an increasingly expensive time to be alive in this world. From what I understand, none of them had insurance and the families are struggling to pay the hospital and funeral bills. If you have anything to spare to help out these families, we invite you to consider it and you can do so by clicking here.
The stated goal is humble and I think they’ll need a lot more. This GoFundMe is actually tax deductible if that helps. Thank you so much for considering.

On to farm news…This is the last weekend that the farm store will be open, so come get your fix before it’s too late! To sweeten the pot, we’re doing a mum cutting giveaway today and tomorrow at the store if you’re itching to grow a few more plants. Each customer can pick up 5 free mum cuttings. While supplies last!
Right now the team is cutting up the plums from our favorite tree that I mentioned in a winter newsletter. Our second harvest in 13 years and it’s just as delicious as I remembered. Mandy is going to make some Plum Loving Jam and I guess I’m going to eat a lot of toast.

In more positive news, we took the crew fishing yesterday and pretty much everyone that threw a line, caught a fish. I myself, just sat under a tent, listened to some 70’s country, drank a few cold beverages and enjoyed the occasional cool breeze whipping across the pond. There was a lot of laughter and a lot of relaxation and we send a hearty thank you to Kalen and Aslyn for hosting us at their families property for the day’s shenanigans. Comer’s a good place.
I’ve got a busted irrigation line to repair, so I gotta go before it gets too hot to dig.
Wishing y’all a happy weekend.

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Comer, GA 30629
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