Notes From the Farm
A weekly check-in of all things happening on the Farm from the mind of Steve O'Shea
Full and Grateful 3/10/23
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We’re finally getting some cooler weather again. Spring came on virtually all at once and fully burst everything wide open. Purple splashes of lunaria are starting to spot the landscape. The anthocyanin rich baby leaves of the Japanese Maple are just embers of the fire they’ll soon be. The blossoms have all fallen off the peach, plum, and pear trees. The winter honeysuckle is fragrant no more. The grass is tall and the tulip poplars and oaks have started to bud out. Clouds of yellow pollen are being puffed out in big exhalations from every species of tree imaginable. The catkins are long and thick with it. Our lungs are heavy with it. Eyes irritated and heads full. The solar...
Happy Stormy Friday! 3/3/23
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Hello and happy stormy Friday! Our March flower subscription starts this coming week and we’ve just added a few more spaces if you’d like to join. Our ranunculus and butterfly ranunculus are just starting to come in and will be finding their way into some of our subscription boxes, though not everyone will get the same thing every week. Your box may very well be completely different than your friend’s from week to week as we intend to surprise you with a different box of beauty each time. Spring has really come fast with steady temps in the high 70’s and low 80’s and our poppies went crazy last week. I hope some of y’all reaped the benefits of our flash...
Springing to Life 2/24/23
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Happy Friday y’all! Things are springing to life out here and it’s beautiful! Bird song fills the farm and lately the frogs have been singing down in the woods. Even the wasps have been floating around looking for new real estate. It’s been high 70’s and even climbed into the 80’s for us this week. I know it’s unnatural and there’s ramifications of the unpleasant sort associated, but I’ve gotten to the point where I’m just gonna enjoy a beautiful day when I’m in one. Even if it’s wildly out of season. Better for the soul that way. Our new crew is awesome and things are going great on the farm! All of this year’s tomatoes have been potted up...
Spring is Coming! 2/17/23
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Hi y’all! This week has been fun. We got our old buddy Ty back with us for awhile and Kali is in her second week in the studio and is doing great! Ty Brooks worked with us for a couple of summers almost a decade ago and went on to get his Master’s in Sustainable Ag and start his own Peach and Pumpkin farm, Lazy Summer Farm, in Athens. He’s helping us out a few days a week in the fields and tunnels and we’re really excited to have our friend in the fields with us again. Kali Jones helped run one of our absolute favorite flower shops, Adaptation in Atlanta, and was a customer of ours for 7 years,...
Enjoying Spring 2/10/23
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The daffodils are blooming in speckled spots of cream and gold throughout the landscape, their delicate scent inviting you closer and giving you incentive to pause. Mandy declared that this year, these flowers would be for all of us on the farm crew to enjoy. They are always the first to bloom and always the first to be cut, but this year they’ll get to spend their whole time blooming exactly where they were born. Filling our senses with their charms, instead of filling buckets for processing. It may seem an obvious choice at a glance, but it’s an existential question every small farmer makes. Do I deserve the fruits of my own labor? Can I afford the fruits of...
Ms. Marilyn 2/3/23
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Hi y’all! We’ve been hinting at it for awhile now, but today’s the day! We’re announcing this new seed that we are super excited to be spreading out into the world! For 5 years Mandy has been working on this project that started with the passing of the woman who married us. My dear cousin and our amazing friend and life mentor, Marilyn. She lit up every room she ever entered and raised every spirit in that room. At her celebration of life, we were gifted a packet of wildflower seeds to plant in her honor. Instead of scattering them in the yard, Mandy planted a dedicated row to really honor her and watch the phases of growth. In the...
The Plate Sale 1/27/23
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Hey y’all! So, the new seeds we were going to announce aren’t quite ready to go yet, so we’ll catch ya next week with that, but we do have something that we are excited about that we’d like to share with you. A big part of our mission in life is to try and do good things in our community and to surround ourselves with people who work towards that same end. To be in the presence of people whose inner light shines outward with goodwill towards others is so uplifting and energizing and I can’t think of two better examples of this approach to life than Mike and Shyretha Sheats of The Plate Sale. We first met them and...
A Quick Hello! 1/20/23
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Hello out there! I’m gonna be brief today as I’ve got a bunch of broken things to fix and seemingly no time to do so. We’re in the middle of reviewing applications and conducting interviews for a couple of jobs out here and have come across some promising people. It’s always nice to meet good folks and we’ll keep you abreast of what’s happening and introduce you when we get the team together. We’re excited for fresh faces and energy! Big news for Hellebore fans. We will be having a second sale, but it has been pushed back to the end of February, so you folks in the colder planting zones will have less stress in protecting them through the...
Busy, Busy Winter 1/13/23
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Hey hey y’all! Busy as usual out here. This week we have cut back the old leaves of thousands of hellebores peppered throughout our two acre woodland, divided thousands of dahlia tubers in stacks of crates in the basement, weeded the peony plants on one of the terraces down below the store, finished painting the cabin, built tons of racks and started making preparations in the propagation house for all the mum cuttings we’ll soon be taking and worked on various other odds and ends in the fields and tunnels. We’re also running around taking inventory of all the billions of bits and bobs we need in order to be prepared to get through the busy, busy spring. Of course...
We're Hiring! 1/6/23
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Happy New Year y’all!! We’re gearing up for a beautiful flower filled 2023 and are looking for a couple of special people to join our team from February through June. One very organized person to lead our flower bundling/shipping operations and one person to be a Jack/Jill of all trades on the farm. The first position is largely indoors, while the second is largely outdoors. Both require great physical health, mental acuity, and a positive and kind attitude. These are paid positions and not internships. We are very much looking for people with real work experience and a strong work ethic. It is a fast paced work environment with tight deadlines, but a completely friendly and supportive atmosphere. It’s critical...
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135 Francis Hill Road
Comer, GA 30629