Notes From the Farm
A weekly check-in of all things happening on the Farm from the mind of Steve O'Shea
Enjoying Spring 2/10/23
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The daffodils are blooming in speckled spots of cream and gold throughout the landscape, their delicate scent inviting you closer and giving you incentive to pause. Mandy declared that this year, these flowers would be for all of us on the farm crew to enjoy. They are always the first to bloom and always the first to be cut, but this year they’ll get to spend their whole time blooming exactly where they were born. Filling our senses with their charms, instead of filling buckets for processing. It may seem an obvious choice at a glance, but it’s an existential question every small farmer makes. Do I deserve the fruits of my own labor? Can I afford the fruits of...
Ms. Marilyn 2/3/23
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Hi y’all! We’ve been hinting at it for awhile now, but today’s the day! We’re announcing this new seed that we are super excited to be spreading out into the world! For 5 years Mandy has been working on this project that started with the passing of the woman who married us. My dear cousin and our amazing friend and life mentor, Marilyn. She lit up every room she ever entered and raised every spirit in that room. At her celebration of life, we were gifted a packet of wildflower seeds to plant in her honor. Instead of scattering them in the yard, Mandy planted a dedicated row to really honor her and watch the phases of growth. In the...
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135 Francis Hill Road
Comer, GA 30629