Unsung Heroes 4/30/22

Unsung Heroes 4/30/22

Posted by Mandy + Steve O'Shea on

It’s safe to say that Mothers are the most frequently under-appreciated members of a household.  Having literally created another human from their own flesh and blood in what appears to be a great deal of discomfort for the better part of a year, they then endure for many more years, with herculean displays of patience, one or more tiny narcissistic sociopaths running around destroying things and pooping everywhere. 

  For the next 18 years (at least), the unending load of thankless work, lack of sleep, and all around self-sacrifice is often met with attitude and dismissive sass from a completely helpless and fully dependent person who is not only unappreciative, but is severely self-assured in their condescension despite not even having a fully formed brain yet (not fully formed until 25).

  On paper it sounds like a job nobody would ever sign up for.  Definitely not one that would be heartily embraced and extolled as the pinnacle of a person’s existence, but somehow, the best of human nature is expressed time and time again by mothers who give so much of themselves and ask so little in return.  If we all had a bit of the patience, selflessness, and consideration of a Mother and extended it towards each other, the world would be a beautiful place.

  With this in mind, we have a few Moms we intend to surprise with flowers next week, but wanted to invite you to recommend a Mother to us as well.  Particularly a single Mother.  Someone whose plate is full and could use a pick me up.  


Here are the details:

  • We will pick one person randomly from your suggestions.
  • Email 3porchfarm@gmail.com with “Single Mother” as the subject. Do not DM on IG/FB.
  • Give us their mailing address and email address
  • Ensure they will be home Thursday May 5th.  If not, the flowers will die on their doorstep.
  • Submit your email by noon this Sunday the 1st.
  • We will reply if your submission is the winner by Sunday at midnight.  We are crazy busy right now, so will not have time to reply if your submission didn’t win.

The flowers they’ll get are our Mother’s Day Garden Party Bouquet, which is a beautiful, big and long lasting mix of colorful campanula and godetia.  An example of one can be seen here!

For those of you who would like to honor the Moms and Mother-in-laws or special Mother figures in your life that have helped to nurture the beautiful person you are now, this is a great opportunity to send them some appreciation in the form of sustainably grown natural beauty.  It’s never too late to say thank you for all they have done for you.  And it’s never been this easy (that’s my sales pitch).  Just gotta click that link above.  Don’t even have to leave the house. We can deliver the bouquet to their door anywhere in the US (except Hawaii, Alaska, and CA). Or if you’re local, you can pick one up at our Farm Store once you preorder. 

The Farm Store will be open Thursday-Saturday for the next few weeks. It is fully stocked with handmade vases, flowers, aromatherapy, candles, seeds, gardening items and more. We still even have some veggie and flowering plants available. It’s going to be a gorgeous weekend here in north Ga so swing by the store then head over to Watson Mill State Park for a little hiking and nature time. 

We hope you have a lovely weekend!