Stream of Goodwill 5/6/22
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One of the best parts of our job is the fact that we are the conduit for so many good intentions. We work in the heat, the cold, the mud, and in what all told, sometimes feels like a Sisyphean effort to make a living by fostering fragile lifeforms through hostile conditions that seem to be getting more erratic year by year.
We live a fairly isolated existence and only see employees and delivery drivers most of the year. In some ways, we are very disconnected. But, it’s become more deeply impressed on us over time, how much the results of our efforts are directly tied to thousands of gestures of love sent from one person to another.
It’s like there’s a stream of goodwill flowing past us, and it’s our job to just keep working to put pretty things and lovely notes in the stream, so they flow on down to their destinations. The stream was always there, we just have the lovely task of giving it color and form, so that those good intentions can be known tangibly, by the recipient of that love. In a world that often directs our attention to the harsher facets of our collective nature, it’s quite wonderful to be a conduit for all these beautiful sentiments and intentions.
So, from the bottom of our hearts, thank you. For including us in your love letters of all forms. Thank you. We get to bear witness to all the love you send each other and it lifts us up and makes our lives brighter and better for it.
May you all be happy and continue to be kind and considerate to one another and to your own selves. Give a little extra love to those wonderful Moms and Mother figures in your lives.
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135 Francis Hill Road
Comer, GA 30629