Cover your Plants! 4/8/22

Cover your Plants! 4/8/22

Posted by Mandy + Steve O'Shea on


We’ve got some cold nights coming!  Tonight and tomorrow are both going to be in the 30’s with potential for frost, so please consider protecting all of your fragile garden starts by either bringing them inside or covering them with a tarp or some other insulative material. Make sure to fasten down your tarps too, because it's going to be a bit windy and that wind has been known to blow away good intentions and kill many a plant.

  We’re wrapping up the plant sale out here, but there is still a little time to place an order for those plants you missed!  The sale ends tomorrow at noon, so head over to Our Plant Sale Page to order your tomatoes, peppers, and hellebores before they’re gone!  You’ll be able to pick them up Thursday-Saturday next week and grab some Easter/Passover flowers from the store while you’re here.   

   We’ve been battling the wind a bit the last few days and had some terrible thunderstorms that I’m sure kept quite a few of you up.  I’ve only seen that much lightning 2 or 3 times in my life.  Incredible..and a wee bit frightening.

  Our poor pup Cotton had some surgery on her head and face (she’s doing great) and has a gigantic cone that makes her look like a huge mobile satellite dish mounted on a polar bear.  We’ve been keeping her inside to help her heal, which is not her preferred location to spend an evening, so when the thunder or a stray animal outside gets her riled up, it gets comedically chaotic for us.  We wake up to her crashing through the house, cone first, in the middle of the night.  Pure-will in animate form, blocked at every turn by a thin piece of plastic and grandma’s old furniture.  She is a surprisingly good sport about everything and is the sweetest damn dog we could imagine.  So happy to have her living with us and guarding the farm from coyotes, deer, suspicious looking birds, and low flying satellites.

  That’s about all I’ve got time for this week.  Spring’s been keeping us on our toes and going full speed ahead.  We are taking a moment to look up and appreciate how gorgeous it is in North Georgia in the spring as much as possible.  I hope you are too.  It’s windy a lot, and rainy a bit, and cold at times, but it sure is gorgeous.  Don’t forget to admire all the natural beauty you can whenever you can.  Pretty soon it’ll be back to dodging mosquitos under a hot wet blanket of a sky, so now’s the time to soak it all in.

  Have a great weekend!