Respect for Our Team
In an industry notorious for exploitation of labor, our goal is to do the very opposite and to empower and support our employees as much as we can. Our employees earn far higher than the industry average and receive raises, bonuses, and paid time off every year. We value their every effort and we value their lives outside of work and strive to provide whatever benefits we can to everyone that works here.
We do not discriminate based on background or identity of any kind, but instead we celebrate our differences and use them as opportunities to broaden our own worldview and to further our humility. Prior to the pandemic, we shared meals each week, we attended each other’s celebrations of personal and familial milestones, and just generally enjoyed each other’s company. Now that safety is a priority, we take every effort to isolate tasks and prevent from creating any public exposure to any of our employees.
We keep our staff employed year round, provide as much relief from temp extremes as possible, give vacations whenever requested, keep work hours to 40 a week and never ask anyone to do anything that we don’t do ourselves.
Everyone is respected here and given as much responsibility and autonomy as they desire. Positive outcomes are directly correlated to a person’s self worth and sense of connection they have to the work they do each day. We strive to encourage our employees’ abilities and attributes in as positive an environment as we can provide, so not only do they do good work, but feel good about their day and themselves as much as possible. Our fields are filled with singing and laughter and it’s really a high point of sharing this space with others.
Our goal is to grow our farm revenue significantly through greater efficiency in production and distribution, in order to continue to increase employee compensation as much as possible with each succeeding year. We all want to be paid well. We all want to enjoy our work. We all want to have balance with a life outside of work. We love our crew and we constantly aim to achieve these goals for everyone at 3 Porch Farm.
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135 Francis Hill Road
Comer, GA 30629