Please follow the steps below to best care for your fresh cut ranunculus
What to Expect Upon Arrival:
Ranunculus arrive in tight buds which helps to protect their petals during transport. We always include a couple extra flowers in each order in case some blooms get damaged in transport. Allow 12 hours for your flowers to hydrate before arranging. They will quickly begin to open up their many petals once in your vase.
Important Steps for Making Your Cut Ranunculus Last:
- Sterilize your vase before every use as bacteria and fungus in your vase are the main reasons for early decline of flowers.
- Give your flower stems a fresh cut at an angle before placing in your vase.
- We recommend placing in them in several vases so that they can have space to open up.
- Change vase water every few days and definitely top off the vase water daily. These flowers drink a lot of water!
- Add flower food (optional).
- Keep away from direct sunlight and heat sources.
- Get creative! Collect foliage and other blooms from your yard to add to your flowers.
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